Dieren zonder honger - 2013 - De Harmonie - buy

Tekeningen over de relatie tussen mens en dier
Drawings About the relationship between human and animal

  • "It's clear to us: yés, there's afterlife."

  • "Burt! That's not sweet! It's only a game, right?"

  • "Oh...May he run loose for a second? Joining the others..."


  • "Thank God he's additional insured."

  • "She seems a bit insecure..."
    "No, she just feels so naked...without make-up."

  • "Let's play 'who's-staring-at-each-other-the-longest- without-laughing', all righty?"

  • "Did you fart?" - "Woof."

  • "Well, I am off. Food's ready, water...
    If there's something you'll call, yes?"

  • "Other side...I suppose."

  • What a hassle...If you wanna fuck...Just àsk!

  • "Not real though, it's a print."

  • Jelka and Dör in happier times